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There are currently 8 resources with the selected filtering.
Long-term persistence of large dugong groups in a conservation hotspot around Hawar Island, Kingdom of Bahrain
Community-Led Conservation Small-GrantsKhamis, A. et al. (2023), Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1–14
Long-term declines and recovery of meadow area across the world’s seagrass bioregions
Dunic, J.C. et al. (2021), Global Change Biology
Seagrass in Southeast Asia: A review of status and knowledge gaps, and a road map for conservation
Fortes, M., et al. (2018), Botanica Marina 61 (3)
Informing dugong conservation at several spatial and temporal scales in New Caledonia
Cleguer, C. (2015) PhD dissertation
James Cook University (JCU)
Dugongs in the Philippines
Aragones, L. (2012), Sirenian Conservation: Issues and strategies in developing countries, Chapter: 7, University Press Florida (pp.68-70)
National Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for the Dugongs and their Habitats in India
Prepared by the Task Force for Conservation of Dugongs in India under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. An assessment of issues related to the conservation of dugongs and implementation of the CMS Dugong MOU in India, to facilitate the country to act as the leading nation in the South Asia Sub-region with respect to dugong conservation.
Distribution, abundance, and conservation status of dugongs and dolphins in the southern and western Arabian Gulf
Preen, A. (2004), Biological Conservation, 118(2), p.205-218
Dugong: status report and action plans for countries and territories
United Nations Environment Programme (2001)