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There are currently 15 resources with the selected filtering.
The planetary role of seagrass conservation
Unsworth, R. et al. (2022), Science, Vol 377, Issue 6606 pp. 609-613
Quantification of blue carbon in seagrass ecosystems of Southeast Asia and their potential for climate change mitigation
Stankovic, M. et al. (2021), Science of the Total Environment. 156858.
Marine Protected Areas in Peninsular Malaysia: Shifting from Political Process to Co-Management
Rahman, M.A.A. et al. (2019), Journal of Politics and Law; Vol. 12, No. 4; 2019
Peninsula Malaysia
Seagrass in Malaysia: Issues and Challenges Ahead
Bujang J.S. et al. (2018), in Finlayson C., Milton G., Prentice R., Davidson N. (eds) The Wetland Book. Springer, Dordrecht.
Seagrass in Southeast Asia: A review of status and knowledge gaps, and a road map for conservation
Fortes, M., et al. (2018), Botanica Marina 61 (3)
Master Plan for Integrated Biodiversity Management (2015-2021)
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand (2015)
Report of the Third Southeast Asian Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAM III)
UNEP/CMS Secretariat, Bonn, Germany (2015)
CMS Technical Series No. 32
Aligning conservation and research priorities for proactive species and habitat management: The case of dugongs Dugong dugon in Johor, Malaysia
Ponnampalam, L. et al. (2014), Oryx, 49 (4)
Peninsula Malaysia
Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Salt Marsh and Seagrass Ecosystems in The South and South East Asian Coasts
Final Report for Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Project (2012)
UNEP/CMS Southeast Asia Regional Meeting on Dugongs and Workshop on Developing Standardized Analysis Protocols for Dugong Questionnaire Survey Project Data for Southeast Asia Region
Lawas, Sarawak. 26-29 July 2011
Cultural significance of dugong to Thai villagers: Implications for conservation
Adulyanukosol, K. et al. (2010), Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science (pp. 43-49)
Distribution and significance of seagrass ecosystems in Malaysia
Bujang, J. S. et al. (2006), Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. Vol.9 (203-214)
seagrass ecosystems
Dugong and seagrass in Thailand: Present status and future challenges
Adulyanukosol, K. et al., (2006), Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on SEASTAR2000 and Asian Bio-logging Science (p.41-50)
Dugong: status report and action plans for countries and territories
United Nations Environment Programme (2001)