A portfolio of projects addressing key threats to dugongs and seagrass through community-led activities in dugong range states.
In June 2021, the Dugong MOU initiated a Call for Proposals for projects implemented in dugong Range States that supported the implementation of the Dugong MOU and its associated Conservation Management Plan (CMP). The projects were intended to address priority actions contained in the CMP and contribute to the implementation of the Dugong MOU Programme of Work, as endorsed by the Third Meeting of Signatories to the Dugong MOU in March 2017.
This Call for Proposals was an open competition advertized on the Dugong & Seagrass Hub, the CMS Dugong MOU website, in their associated social media channels, and circulated via email to a Dugong MOU mailing list. Proposals submitted by applicants were required to meet criteria set out in the Application Guidelines and aim to improve community-led dugong and seagrass conservation activities through one or more of the following priority approaches:
- Participatory research and primary data collection, including monitoring;
- Conservation actions, management frameworks and policies;
- Development of business models in support of coastal communities and marine conservation; and
- Communication tools and awareness raising.
The Dugong MOU Secretariat received 31 project concept notes. The four highest scoring proposals, representing diverse geographic regions within the dugong’s distribution range, were selected for funding and invited to submit full project proposals.